The Mathematics Enrichment Programme and Mathematical Sciences Outreach with the University of Plymouth

The Mathematics Enrichment Programme and Mathematical Sciences Outreach is coordinated by Dr Jenny Sharp. The Mathematical Enrichment Programme started at the University of Plymouth in 1996 with the first Royal Institution Mathematics Masterclasses for year 9 students and since then it has grown into a complete programme for students aged 9 to 15 who are able and interested in mathematics. The aim of the programme is to provide enrichment activities for students (and schools) with the aim of keeping the students able and interested in mathematics.

Whatever the age group, the aim is the same – to stretch and inspire the able mathematician. During our activities the students are among like minded young people all of similar ability. The mathematics covered are usually different from that met in school, either applications or simply ‘pure’ mathematics. Students begin to see the breadth of mathematics and so their enthusiasm for the subject is maintained.

After the ceaseation of these events due to the pandemic, the programme is being restarted and it is hoped that we can build up the different events once again. The aim is to make the events accessible to all schools and not to charge for them. However, funding and staffing the events is an issue in a climate of cutbacks. The University will support events for Year 9 and above; finding funding for primary and KS3 is proving difficult, it may be that a charge will have to be made.

All schools within traveling distance are invited to attend the events, if your school does not receive information about the events and would like to be added to the mailing list please contact Jenny Sharp

Primary Masterclass Programme

The Primary Masterclasses are for year 5 students and year 6 pupils who show an interest or aptitude in mathematics. They provide an opportunity for the students to meet and work with like minded youngsters in an out of school environment. The Year 5 days typically are run in the Spring Term and the Year 6 days in the Summer Term.

For details of planned events for the 2024 - 25 academic year for Year 6 please see the Events Page.

Secondary Masterclass Programme

The Secondary Masterclass Programme is for students in years 7, 8, 9 and 10. Again they provide an opportunity for the students to meet and work with like minded youngsters in an out of school environment.

The Year 9 Masterclasses are part of a nationwide programme in association with the Royal Institution of Great Britain and they run on Saturday mornings in the Spring Term. There is a follow up Year 9 day in June - the South West Masterclass Event for those students who attended the Plymouth, Exeter and Truro series.

The final event in the Secondary Masterclass programme is a three day residential course for the Year 10 students who attended the Plymouth and Truro Masterclass series the previous year.

For details of planned events for this academic year for Years 9 and 10 please see the Events Page.

Taster Days

We run 'taster days' for year 10 and year 12. The aim of a taster day is to encourage students to think about the next step in their mathematics career.

The aim of the Year 10 taster days is to encourage the students to consider mathematics as a choice for A level. These days are usually held either at the end of the Autumn term or the end of the Spring term

The aim of the Year 12 taster day is to allow students who are currently studying mathematics at A level an insight to the degrees that require an A level in Mathematics. These days are usually run in the first two weeks of July.

For details of planned taster days for year 10 and year 12 please see the Events Page.

Bespoke activities for schools

In addition to planned events it is possible to run sessions for individual schools and other masterclass programmes. These range from an hours after school club activity to a 2 hour masterclass activity to a whole day workshop. They can be held at the University (room availability permitting) or on your school.  For further details please contact Jenny Sharp